شركت اسنيفر بلژيك يكي از معتبرترين شركت هاي اروپايي متخصص در زمينه ارائه خدمات نشت يابي، كاهش انتشار و كاهش تلفات انرژي در صنايع نفت و گاز و پتروشيمي مي باشد. يكي از زمينه هاي كاري اين شركت نشت يابي و مديريت و كنترل نشتي مخازن ذخيره – (Storag tank emission managment) مي باشد .
شركت اسنيفر بلژيك يكي از معتبرترين شركت هاي اروپايي متخصص در زمينه ارائه خدمات نشت يابي، كاهش انتشار و كاهش تلفات انرژي در صنايع نفت و گاز و پتروشيمي مي باشد. يكي از زمينه هاي كاري اين شركت نشت يابي و مديريت و كنترل نشتي مخازن ذخيره – (Storag tank emission managment) مي باشد .
جهت دريافت اطلاعات تكميلي به آدرس http://asiawatt.com/commercial-product/568 مراجعه فرماييد و يا با شركت مهندسي آسياوات تماس بگيريد.
در ادامه فيلمي در خصوص نحوه نشت يابي مخازن آمده است.
The Sniffers uses innovative measurement techniques, such as our high flow sampling equipment, optical gas imaging using infrared cameras and concentration logging, to determine the required maintenance and repair actions.
Besides OGI (Optical Gas Imaging ) screening techniques, The Sniffers also performs functionality check-ups on different kinds of tank roof equipment, using FID (Flame Ionization Detector) or PID (Photo Ionization Detector) toxic vapour analyzers.
In an environment of increased storage capacity, ageing assets and increasing safety and environmental regulations, tank farm operators want to obtain a clear view of the emissions of their storage tanks. For several years, The Sniffers has received several requests to monitor, map and manage emissions coming from different kinds of storage tanks, despite the fact that official legislation may not yet be obligatory.
Our storage tank emission management program is applicable to all kinds of storage tanks: fixed roof, external floating roof, internal floating roof, gas spheres, etc…
Characteristics of our best-in-class program are:
Tangible reductions in fugitive emissions
Confirmed asset safety
Innovative high flow sampling techniques combined with OGI
Data-driven advice reducing total emissions or eliminating dangerous situations
Clear maintenance priorities driving the highest effect for the lowest cost. Focus on bad actors.
Actionable and efficient maintenance instructions, aligned with your service company
Fast and efficient emission-measuring processes on-site, fully compliant with the terminal’s safety regulations or (future) governmental guidelines and protocols.